Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Wessmaps Housing Trust understands that our tenants have their own specialist needs to live independently in their home. Our tenants who are on the autistic spectrum face individual challenges, often around social interactions this may provoke extreme anxiety regarding the initial contact and continuing communication with letting agents. Small maintenance issues that a landlord may not consider important such as a dripping tap can be extremely distressing to a tenant with autism. Wessmaps Housing Trust Intensive Housing Services ensure continuity of our tenants housing care, support and supervision. This continuity ensures our tenants are empowered and supported to report any issue with their home regardless of size and have the peace of mind that those issues are managed quickly and efficiently. We work with each each of our tenants, to determine their specific needs, this may be for example a quiet neighbourhood to thrive. Our properties are sourced to suit individual need. As such we would search for a home where main roads and constant noise are minimised to ensure the comfort of our tenant.
Further details on Autisic Spectrum Disorders can be found on The National Autisic Society and Autism Hampshire Websites.